
Salviati Contract

Excellence in production, research and development, Salviati works to create different opportunities in a market context that requires more and more innovative and personalised projects.

Consultancy and solutions for professionals – such as architects and designers – who work in the field of interior design.

The Salviati contract service offers ad-hoc consultancy and solutions for professionals from all over the value chain, giving the customer the benefit of guaranteed expertise: from budgeting, through design to production.

Why choose Salviati for your contract projects?

A history of great projects

Salviati has been working in the field of architectural lighting on a global scale since the early 20th century, creating projects considered exceptional for their dimension and cutting-edge technology. The 22-metre high chandelier in the Chamber of Commerce of Parma and the ceiling of the Kowloon Hotel in Hong Kong are just two examples.

Organisation and technical-development capacities

The in-depth knowledge of the world of glass, together with continual research into new techniques and technologies applied to the sector, make Salviati the perfect interlocutor for contract lighting designed for a variety of projects, from residential to hospitality.

Exclusive lighting engineering consultation

A capable technical office will elaborate request in compliance with the economic, technical and aesthetic specifications.

For further information on Salviati’s Contract Service