1. Definitions

For the purposes of these general terms and conditions of sale, the following shall apply:
  • Site: the website
  • Products: handcrafted objects in Murano glass and glassware brand Salviati, offered for sale on the Site, within the limits of availability in stock, at the time of completion of the purchase.
  • General Terms and Conditions: the general terms and conditions of sale of the Products, in the updated version at the time of purchase.
  • Seller: Salviati S.r.l. with sole shareholder, with registered office in 30141 Venice – Murano (Ve), Fondamenta Lorenzo Radi 16, registration number in the Venice Companies’ Register, Tax Code 03942240270 – VAT number 04681350270, share capital Euro 113,000 i.v., REA VE – 351649, PEC, e-mail, tel. +39.041.5274085.
  • Customer: any individual, of age according to Italian law, who completes a purchase of Products through the Site, acting as a consumer, i.e. with purposes not related to the commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity eventually carried out.

2. Subject matter, scope and conservation of contractual documents

The General Terms and Conditions govern the terms and conditions that apply to all purchases of Products made by Customers through the Site. Customers are required to keep a copy, also on paper, of the General Conditions, as well as of all e-mails received by the Seller, which will form an integral part of the contractual agreements between the parties.  

3. Product Features

The Products, handcrafted objects in Murano glass and glassware, are marketed by the Seller in compliance with industry regulations. The images of the Products on the Site may contain minor differences with respect to reality, due on the one hand to any technical limitations of the graphics tools used by the Site, and on the other hand to the characteristics of the hardware tools used to visit the Site. Each of the Products is to be considered a unique piece, therefore, there may be minor differences in shape, size, color, or other aspects, with respect to the image on the Site. For further information, please refer to the documentation that will be delivered to the Customer together with the Products, without prejudice to the possibility of contacting the Seller at the addresses indicated therein.  

4. Conclusion of the sale contract

During the purchase procedure the selected Products will be displayed in the “Shopping Cart” section, where the unit price of each Product, the tax charges, the applicable shipping rates, as well as the total price given by the sum of these items and the expected delivery time will also be highlighted. Please note that the payment of any duties or other customs charges, where applicable, will be charged to the Customer, who will bear the cost. In order to complete the purchase, you must complete the registration form by following the instructions contained therein, entering the information required therein and placing a tick for acceptance, where necessary. Access to the Site and registration do not involve any additional cost or charge in addition to those due to your operator for the normal use of internet service. Once you have completed the registration form, you may place your order using the appropriate button, subject to acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions; at the same time you must pay the total price of the selected Products, via Paypal or credit card (the following credit/debit cards are accepted: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Aurore and Maestro). The placing of the order implies the obligation to pay the total price. The contract of sale is finalized at the time of payment of the total price by the customer. Once the order has been received, the Seller will send the Customer a confirmation e-mail in which will be reported the identification number, the date and time of the order, the Products purchased, the total price and the singleitems that make it up, the data for billing and delivery, the payment methods used and a copy of the General Terms and Conditions accepted. The order will be processed after the technical time for the verification of the credit in favour of the Seller of the total price paid by the Customer.

5. Availability of Products – Seller’s withdrawal

The Seller reserves the right to withdraw, even only partially, from the sale contract, in case of unavailability, or partial unavailability, in the warehouse of the Products included in the order placed, subject to prompt notice to the Customer; the right of withdrawal may be exercised by the Seller only within 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the sale contract.  

6. Delivery of Products

Subject to the following provisions, the Products subject to the order will be delivered to the Customer by the courier identified by the Seller at its reasonable discretion, without unjustified delay and no later than 30 (thirty) days from the conclusion of the sales contract. Also, notwithstanding the provisions laid down by the current legislation for the protection of consumers, exclusively if customs formalities prevent compliance with the aforementioned delivery term, the Seller may deliver the Products subject to the order to the Customer within 60 (sixty) days from the conclusion of the sales contract, upon timely notification of the incident to the Customer. In any case, in the event of any delays for technical reasons, other than the hypothesis mentioned above, the Seller will promptly contact the Customer to agree on the new delivery date. The delivery service offered by the courier may not cover, even temporarily, some countries, or some specific territories. In this case, the Site will not allow the purchase to be perfected; therefore, the user is invited to contact the Seller to verify the possibility of concluding the purchase and the delivery in different ways. The Customer must verify the integrity, quantity and type of Products delivered and their conformity with the object of the order, as well as the integrity of the packaging. Any defects and/or discrepancies must be immediately reported to the courier, according to the procedures applied by the same. It will be the responsibility of the Customer to keep the documentation certifying the delivery and its observations regarding any defects and/or discrepancies. If deemed necessary, the Customer may contact the Seller at the addresses indicated hereby, sending a copy of the above mentioned documentation, in order to activate the applicable legal and contractual guarantees.  

7. Warranty of compliance

The legal warranty for any defects in conformity of the Products, existing at the time of delivery, applies to the sale of the Products. In case of conformity defect, the Customer has the right to the restoration, without charge, of the conformity of the purchased Product, through the reparation or replacement, or to an adequate reduction of the price or termination of the sale contract, in compliance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 (“Consumer Code”), articles 128 – 135. To this end, the Customer shall keep the documentation accompanying the Products, as well as the documentation certifying the delivery of the same and his own observations regarding defects and/or non-conformities. It will be the Customer’s responsibility to contact the Seller, at the addresses indicated hereby, in order to agree on how to return the non-conforming and/or faulty Products. The Seller shall be liable for the lack of conformity if the defect becomes apparent within 2 (two) years after delivery of the Products. The Customer shall report the lack of conformity to the Seller within 2 (two) months from the date on which he discovered it, under penalty of forfeiture of the legal warranty of compliance. Any minor variations in the Products delivered, in form, size and color, or in other aspects, with respect to the images on the Site shall not be considered as conformity defects. Any minor differences in the Products delivered, in form, size and color, or in other aspects, with respect to the images on the Site are not considered conformity defects.  

8. Customer withdrawal

The Customer may withdraw from the sale contract, pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of September 6, 2005 (“Consumer Code”), Articles 52 -59, without giving any reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from the day in which the Customer, or the person designated by him/her (other than the carrier), has acquired physical possession of the Products purchased. The right of withdrawal may be exercised using the appropriate form available on the Site, or by submitting any other form of explicit declaration of your decision to withdraw from the sales contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, it is sufficient that the Customer communicates its decision, in the manner described hereby, before the expiry of the period referred to in the first paragraph of this article. The form, duly filled in, dated and undersigned, may also be sent to the Seller by e-mail to; the Seller will immediately communicate to the Customer, at the e-mail address indicated on the form, a confirmation of receipt of the withdrawal exercised. Customers are required to keep a copy, including a paper copy, of such e-mail communication. Once the right of withdrawal has been exercised, the Customer must proceed with the return of the purchased Products, sending them to the Seller’s address indicated hereby, without undue delay and, in any case, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which he communicated to the Seller his decision to withdraw from the sale contract. The deadline is respected if the Customer returns the Products before the expiration of the above mentioned period of 14 (fourteen) days. The Products must be returned intact and complete with all their accessories. The direct costs of returning the Products will be borne by the Customer. The Seller will refund the total price paid by the Customer, less any additional costs charged when purchasing the Products, if the Customer has expressly chosen a type of delivery other than the least expensive type offered by the Seller. The Seller will reimburse without undue delay and in any case within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which it is informed of the Customer’s decision to withdraw from the sales contract, using the same means of payment used by the Customer, unless otherwise agreed and provided that the Customer does not incur any costs as a result of the reimbursement. The Seller shall retain the sums to be refunded to the Customer until the Customer has received the returned Products, or until the Customer has proved that the Products have been returned, whichever occurs first.  

9. Information – after-sales service – complaints

Any request for information, after-sales service request or complaint relating to a specific order must be made by contacting the Seller at one of the following addresses: tel. +39.041.5274085; e-mail  

10. Copyright and intellectual property

All the texts, images, technical and design features of the Products present on the Site are protected by Italian and international legislation protecting copyright and industrial property rights, as applicable; publication on the Site does not imply any authorization for their use, even partial.  

11. Limitation of liability

The Seller cannot in any case be held responsible for a bad or unsuitable use of the Products sold, nor for the actions of third parties involved in the management or execution of payment transactions, delivery of the Products, and in any other operation connected to the execution of the sale contract concluded through the Site, without prejudice to the mandatory legal limits. The Seller is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use of credit/debit cards by third parties. Neither party shall be liable for total or partial non-fulfilment or delay in performing its obligations caused by force majeure events; events of force majeure may include, by way of example only, epidemics, wars, riots, insurrections, computer attacks, unauthorized access and/or intrusion into the server of the Site, technical failures, strikes of any form.  

12. Applicable law and dispute resolution

The General Terms and Conditions are governed by Italian law, including the provisions of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (“Consumer Code”), and Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70 (“Implementation of Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services in the internal market, with particular reference to electronic commerce”). In order to avoid the occurrence of legal disputes, the Customer undertakes to promptly communicate any reasons of grievance to the Seller. We also inform you that the European Commission provides a platform for alternative out-of-court dispute resolution, accessible on the website In the event that a collaborative solution of the matter is not reached, the parties shall submit the disputes arising from the sale of Products concluded through the Site to the competent court, in application of Italian law.  

13. Language

Any translation of this document into a language other than Italian is provided for information purposes only. The only legally valid and binding version of the General Terms and Conditions is the Italian version.  

14. Modification and updating of the General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions may be modified and/or updated, in whole or in part, at any time by the Seller, for justified reasons relating to the marketing of the Products. The date of the most recent modification is shown at the bottom of this document next to the words “Last Update”. Such changes will be considered communicated, and binding for users from the moment of publication on the Site. The completion of purchases, after any modification, implies the Customer’s acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in the updated version available therein. Last update August 30th, 2022   SALVIATI S.r.l. a socio unico Fondamenta Radi, 16 – 30141 MURANO (VE) Tel.: +39 041-527 4085 –  Fax: +39 041-527 5348   – Codice Fiscale 03942240270 – Partita IVA 04681350270 – REA n. VE 351649 Registro Imprese di Venezia n. 03942240270 Cap. Soc. € 113.000,00 i.v. Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Umana Forma S.r.l.